Traveling back to the summer of 1973, it was an eventful time for U.S. citizens with Watergate, the Cold War, Vietnam, Roe V. Wade, and the Space Race dominating the headlines. It was also a time of cultural milestones with the birth of Hip Hop and Cell Phones. Monumental movies like The Exorcist, Enter The Dragon, and American Graffiti hit the screens, while in music, Elvis wowed the world with the first worldwide telecast of his concert from Hawaii, and Led Zeppelin broke The Beatles’ record for the biggest concert crowd!
Among these memorable events, our favorite music-related moment was in July 1973 when ZZ Top released their breakthrough album, Tres Hombres. This little ol’ band from Texas truly delivered on their third album. Even after fifty years, it still holds up, just like the Texas heat that never seems to wane. But with good music and our delicious coffee, we know how to keep things cool!

Tres Hombres holds a special place in my heart—it’s not only my favorite ZZ Top album but also my Dad’s. That’s why when it was time to name our first signature blend, we wanted to honor my Dad’s memory with the title Tres Hombres. Like the album, our blend embodies the finest Texas tradition and is roasted to perfection, ensuring a nostalgic experience in every cup. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us so far. Keep reading below to find out how you can get your hands on a bag of Tres Hombres with a special edition label celebrating the 50th anniversary of the album.
– Billy

Embrace the nostalgia and Texas tradition of “Tres Hombres” with each sip of our classic coffee. That’s right, we haven’t changed the coffee blend one bit, but have put this special front and back label to give it the same feel as the original LP minus the incredible gatefold—look it up if you haven’t seen it. Join us in commemorating the album’s anniversary and be part of this special celebration by purchasing a bag today. Check out the details below!